Innovate for Impact: Call for Proposals on Academia-Industry Collaborative Research & Innovation Projects for Building our Future Bangladesh

In the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, achieving self-sufficiency in technology is essential. To build a developed and prosperous Bangladesh, it is crucial to address challenges through indigenous innovation and to modernize government services and industries with our own technology. The EDGE Project is working tirelessly to drive this transformation by implementing various research and innovation initiatives that engage the government, academia, and industry. A key objective of the EDGE Project is to strengthen the innovation ecosystem through the establishment of Research and Innovation Centers (RICs).

We are inviting numerous prospective researchers/innovators to participate in our research program. To qualify as a researcher/innovator at the RIC, an individual must possess a keen enthusiasm with the problem-solving mindset, driven by a strong interest in research and innovation. Each proposed solution against problems should have a problem owner. It is essential that all solutions proposed are cost-effective, balancing innovation with financial feasibility. This approach ensures that the solutions are accessible and practical for widespread implementation. Additionally, a clear and defined timeline for submitting the solution is crucial.

Each proposed solution should be designed to make a significant impact, either socially or commercially. This ensures that the research aligns with the primary goal of contributing meaningfully to the nation’s progress. The solution should be highly scalable with the tangible Minimum Viable Product (MVP) or a functional prototype, suitable for small-scale pilot testing. The proposed solution should present opportunities for establishing a startup or potentially impact an existing business. This implies that the outcome of the problem-solving process may lead to the creation of Intellectual Property (IP), adding value and novelty to the field. It’s important to note that the solution MUST NOT be a theoretical research or academic paper. Instead, it should manifest as a physically viable product. This approach ensures that the solution is not only innovative but also practical and ready for real-world application, aligning with the goals of creating impactful and market-ready innovations.


Explore Your Passion: Submit Your Research & Innovation Proposals Today in Your Preferred Sectors

Submission Deadline (Academia-Industry Collaborative R&I) :  25 August, 2024

[Submission deadline is over]

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In 2023, the global agriculture market grew to $13.4 trillion, up from $12.25 trillion in 2022. This sector includes plant cultivation and animal rearing for food, fabrics, and other products. The increasing global population, expected to reach 10 billion by 2050 places high demand for food, driving the need for more crop production and farming activities which will be possible with the technology involvement.

Bangladesh’s agriculture, crucial to its economy, struggles with limited and decreasing land and outdated farming methods. In Bangladesh, the agriculture sector is dealing with numerous natural calamities, for example, floods, droughts, low yield in some areas, soil degradation etc. are offering a number of challenges. The sector needs new technologies and improved practices, especially in urban areas where demand for quality imports is high. Exploring innovative agricultural techniques is vital for sustainable farming in challenging environments. Developing methods for growing rice and potatoes in vertical farming systems could significantly increase crop yields. Creating resilient crop varieties is essential to resist floods and droughts. Implementing greenhouse and controlled environment agriculture, managing soil health, reducing post-harvest losses, and efficiently using water resources are all crucial steps towards a more sustainable and productive agricultural future.

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In Bangladesh, the preservation and promotion of Bangladeshi culture faces multiple challenges. In the case of the Bangla language, it is progressively more challenging to maintain its originality and purity while maintaining its advantages. Firstly, there is a concerning proficiency gap, with a growing influence of foreign languages impacting the linguistic landscape. This poses a threat to the rich cultural and linguistic heritage. Secondly, the limited resources allocated to digitizing Bangla literature and historical texts hamper the accessibility of these invaluable resources. The absence of comprehensive initiatives for systematic documentation and digitization contributes to the risk of losing linguistic and cultural treasures. Furthermore, in the digital age, the utilization of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology faces limitations, making the digitization process less efficient and accurate. Additionally, translating content from English to Bangla encounters challenges, leading to inaccuracies and misunderstandings. Moreover, font-related issues further complicate the matter, as broken fonts and compatibility problems affect the readability and aesthetic presentation of Bangla content. Resolving these problems is crucial to keep Bangla Language strong, promote reading and writing, and make sure people can communicate well in both digital and regular situations.

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Cyber Security

Safeguarding digital integrity globally is not just a technical challenge; it’s a collective responsibility that requires cooperation, capacity building, and the development of international norms and standards. To protect digital integrity globally is most important in our interconnected world. This necessitates international cooperation to combat cyber threats, establish common cybersecurity standards, and build capacity in nations for effective protection. Additionally, enforcing international norms and regulations in cyberspace and ensuring cross-border data privacy are essential steps toward a more secure digital environment worldwide. By working together, the global community can create a safer and more secure digital environment for all.

Bangladesh faces a big problem with digital security. Recent data shows a lot more cyber threats, like phishing, data breaches, and malware attacks. These threats are putting the safety of our digital stuff at risk. The Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) has data that proves cybercrimes are going up fast, and this is bad news for our digital safety. So, we really need to come up with a strong plan to deal with this. It should include making our digital systems super secure, telling people how to stay safe online, and making rules to handle all these new cyber threats. The main aim is to keep our important digital stuff safe, protect personal information, and make sure Bangladesh stays strong in the digital world. By doing all this and using data to help, we can build strong defenses against cyber threats and keep our digital world safe.

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Globally, the education sector faces numerous challenges that impact its effectiveness and accessibility. Key among these is the digital divide, which worsen educational inequalities. According to UNESCO, over 260 million children and youth are out of school worldwide, and the situation is worsened in areas with limited access to digital resources. Another major issue is the quality of education, where many students, despite attending school, fail to acquire basic skills due to outdated teaching methods and curriculum.

In Bangladesh, the education sector is fighting with several critical challenges. According to UNESCO, the country faces a high dropout rate, with around 18% of students not completing primary education. Furthermore, there is a significant gap in the quality of education between urban and rural areas. Data from the Bangladesh Bureau of Educational Information and Statistics (BANBEIS) reveal that rural schools often lack basic facilities and qualified teachers, impacting student learning outcomes. Additionally, the Bangladesh Education Ministry reports that over 40% of secondary school teachers lack proper training, contributing to subpar education quality. Our education system requires disruptive changes to align with global standards. This includes a comprehensive overhaul of the curriculum, teaching methods, and overall education quality to achieve a drastic and positive transformation.

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The call for Research & Innovation proposals on the energy sector in Bangladesh prioritizes several key areas, including energy for cooking, biofuel production from food waste, leftover & wild tree seeds, algae, advanced energy storage systems, sustainable battery disposal, battery life, and unified data management systems for battery swapping. Bangladesh’s energy sector faces challenges such as overcapacity, growing power generation prices, and fuel shortages. The country aims to spur renewable energy expansion, particularly solar, and reduce reliance on imported fossil fuels. The call encourages proposals that address these challenges and opportunities, emphasizing the need for innovative solutions to propel Bangladesh towards a sustainable and resilient energy future. This includes a focus on renewable energy development, efficient energy storage, and sustainable battery management to support the country’s energy transition efforts

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The global environmental condition is marked by critical challenges, primarily driven by human activities. Climate change remains at the forefront, characterized by rising temperatures, melting ice caps, and severe weather events, mainly due to greenhouse gas emissions from industrial activities and deforestation. Biodiversity is rapidly declining, leading to the loss of flora and fauna, which disrupts ecosystems and affects ecological balance.

Bangladesh faces serious risks from climate change, with the potential for rising sea levels to flood 17% of the country by 2050, displacing around 20 million people. Air pollution, mainly from vehicles and industries, is a significant problem due to high carbon and lead levels. Overexploitation and mismanagement of land and water resources are worsening environmental issues. The country also struggles with maintaining clean river water and managing human waste, requiring integrated solutions for water and sanitation. Urban expansion and climate change are leading to the loss of water bodies, making water preservation efforts more important. Planting more trees in urban areas is key to improving environmental health. Noise pollution, particularly in cities, needs to be addressed with new technologies and public awareness. The adoption of electric vehicles is essential to reduce air pollution, which in turn calls for improved battery recycling and e-waste management systems to handle the resulting technological waste.

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The call for Research & Innovation proposals in the fisheries sector in Bangladesh places a strong emphasis on several key areas. These include fish disease diagnosis, the development of exportable fish products from local fish, dry fish production, Hilsa production, Shrimp products, Fishery farm automation using technologies, counting of live fishes etc. The focus is on advancing the fisheries sector through innovative solutions, such as improved disease diagnosis, value addition to local fish products, and the application of technology in fishery farm automation. The call aims to support the development of the fisheries and aquaculture sectors in Bangladesh, contributing to economic growth, job creation, and increased export earnings

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Despite enough global food production to feed everyone, hunger persists as a critical issue. The World Food Program highlights that nearly 783 million people lack adequate food, with millions more suffering from nutrient-poor diets. This situation hampers health and development, despite the goal of a hunger-free world by 2030.

Ranked 7th among countries most affected by natural disasters, Bangladesh deals with significant food security challenges. About 40 million people in the country are food insecure, with 11 million facing acute hunger. The nation’s low-lying land and extensive waterways make it particularly vulnerable to climate events. Bangladesh challenges numerous daily food problems, such as distinguishing healthy seeds from bulk quantities, tracing food sources, and fighting widespread food adulteration in the supply chain. Issues like protein extraction and addressing malnutrition, especially in rural areas, are critical. The challenges extend to storage, transportation, introducing new food items, and exploring sustainable uses of food products. [source: World Food Program]

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In Bangladesh, a nation boasting a population exceeding 167 million, healthcare challenges are exacerbated by several global issues, including the enduring impact of long COVID-19, a rising mental health crisis influenced by global trends, and the pervasive effects of climate change. The local health landscape is further complicated by significant concerns such as heart failure, Dengue, diabetes, and respiratory infections. Globally, diabetes affects approximately 463 million adults aged 20-79 years, necessitating urgent attention to address the high prevalence in countries like Bangladesh. Road injuries, often linked to lifestyle and transportation issues, contribute to the growing health burdens faced by the nation. Technological solutions are imperative for addressing these complex health challenges. For instance, the development of technology to produce Vitamin D through artificial lighting, such as bulbs or tube lights, has the potential to revolutionize deficiency treatment. Leveraging artificial intelligence for processing images from diagnostic reports is a global initiative that can significantly enhance accuracy and speed in healthcare delivery. Innovations in recycling urine for reuse not only present environmental benefits but also hold practical advantages for sustainable healthcare practices. The imperative of eradicating diseases like dengue, chikungunya, and malaria, which are prevalent in tropical regions globally, underscores the need for concerted efforts in Bangladesh. Additionally, tackling malnutrition and improving prenatal health are crucial steps for ensuring the well-being of future generations. Addressing challenges such as differentiating adulterated medicines, managing chronic diseases, combating antibiotic resistance, and implementing efficient healthcare data management are indispensable measures for steering the nation towards a healthier future.

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The call for Research & Innovation proposals on the livestock sector in Bangladesh seeks to drive modernization, sustainability, and productivity in the sector through a focus on technological innovations, improved management practices, and the creation of employment opportunities. The call emphasizes the dissemination and adoption of technological innovations such as improved disease diagnosis, farm automation, and monitoring of live animals to enhance productivity and disease prevention. It also highlights the need to adopt improved management practices, promote climate-smart production, and ensure social inclusion and empowerment of women, youth, and other marginalized groups in the livestock sector. Additionally, the call underscores the importance of sustainable production, market development, data management, education, and information access to support the modernization and resilience of the livestock sector in Bangladesh.

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Ready-made garments (RMG)

The ready-made garments (RMG) sector in Bangladesh presents significant opportunities for research and innovation, despite facing challenges. To capitalize on these opportunities, a call for Research & Innovation proposals could focus on several key areas. These include developing sustainable and resilient supply chains, enhancing productivity and efficiency through automation and digitalization, improving working conditions and sustainability practices, diversifying product ranges, and addressing the need for specialized fabrics and raw materials. Additionally, the call could emphasize the importance of market diversification, product development, and the transition to high-end fashion items to ensure the long-term competitiveness and sustainability of the RMG sector in Bangladesh.

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The real estate sector in Bangladesh is experiencing significant growth, driven by rising demand from expanding middle-class families and increasing per-capita income. However, it faces challenges such as land scarcity, lack of urban planning, and shortage of skilled labor. To address these challenges and leverage the sector’s potential, a call for Research & Innovation proposals in Bangladesh could focus on several key areas. These include sustainable and innovative urban planning, efficient land use, and the development of affordable housing solutions. Additionally, the call could emphasize the importance of leveraging technology and digitalization to streamline real estate processes, promoting market transparency, and enhancing access to housing finance. Furthermore, addressing legal frameworks, property rights, and infrastructure development will be crucial in ensuring the continued growth and sustainability of the real estate sector in Bangladesh.

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The telecommunication sector in Bangladesh presents both challenges and opportunities. The demand is high, with a large consumer base, but investment is limited due to the country’s topographic layout and low infrastructure development. However, the government has a receptive foreign investment policy, and many foreign investors are interested in the sector. The sector is forecasted to generate significant average revenue, and the country’s densely populated and flat terrain makes it an ideal market for telecommunication services. To address the challenges and leverage the opportunities in the telecommunication sector, a call for Research & Innovation proposals in Bangladesh could focus on several key areas. These include the importance of leveraging advancements in technology, such as 5G, and optimizing data usage to meet the rising demand for mobile data and achieve inclusive digital inclusion.

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Bangladesh, with its rapidly growing population and urbanization, grapples with severe traffic congestion. According to a recent survey conducted by the Bangladesh Road Transport Authority (BRTA), traffic congestion costs the country an estimated 3.2 billion USD annually in lost productivity and fuel consumption. The need for a strategic solution is evident, and data-driven insights can play a pivotal role in addressing this issue. Leveraging smart technologies such as Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), which utilize real-time data for traffic monitoring and optimization, is crucial. The BRTA survey highlights that major urban centers like Dhaka experience a 30% increase in travel time during peak hours, impacting citizens’ daily lives.

Implementing dedicated lanes for buses, creating cycling paths, and enhancing pedestrian infrastructure are proven methods to alleviate congestion. According to the World Bank, investing in sustainable transportation infrastructure could potentially reduce traffic congestion by up to 20% in the next decade. Moreover, embracing ride-sharing and carpooling initiatives, as suggested by a recent study by the Institute of Transport Studies, could significantly reduce the number of vehicles on the road.

The integration of smart traffic signals and adaptive traffic management systems, coupled with public awareness campaigns, emerges as a comprehensive strategy. A case study in Chittagong indicates that adopting these technologies could result in a 15% reduction in overall traffic-related incidents. By embracing a data-driven, holistic approach to transportation planning, Bangladesh can not only mitigate traffic congestion but also pave the way for a more sustainable and efficient urban mobility ecosystem, aligning with global standards for smart city development.

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The water sector in Bangladesh faces significant challenges, including a fresh water crisis, inadequate water supply and sanitation infrastructure, poor quality of drinking water, and legislative gaps. However, the sector also presents opportunities for improving water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) services, increasing access to safe water, and enhancing sanitation facilities. To address these challenges and leverage the opportunities in the water sector, a call for Research & Innovation proposals in Bangladesh could focus on several key areas. These include promoting sustainable groundwater management, developing innovative water treatment plants, improving water quality monitoring, and addressing the shortage of trained personnel in the WASH sector.  Furthermore, the call could encourage research and innovation in water governance, sustainability, and industrial water and wastewater management to ensure the continued improvement and sustainability of the water sector in Bangladesh.

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If you possess a profound understanding of a prevalent issue that, through diligent research and innovation, could enhance access to a valuable service for a substantial portion of the citizens of Bangladesh, foster economic prosperity, generate employment, or contribute to the development of new Made in Bangladesh products and services, we encourage you to submit a comprehensive proposal outlining the problem and your proposed solution. Your endeavors can potentially lead to the generation of new intellectual property, the establishment of startups, and the development of solutions beneficial to the industry.

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Judging Criteria:


Criterion 1: Impact on Nutritional Diversity and Health

Evaluation of how the proposed solution addresses the nutritional needs of different demographics, including age groups, genders, and individuals with health conditions.

Consideration of the potential health impact of introducing new foods, alternative products, and optimized protein extraction methods.


Criterion 2: Feasibility and Scalability

Assessment of the practicality and scalability of the proposed solutions, particularly in the context of Bangladesh’s diverse agricultural and aquatic resources.

Consideration of how well the solutions can be integrated into existing food systems, supply chains, and markets.


Criterion 3: Innovation and Creativity

Evaluation of the uniqueness and innovation demonstrated in addressing challenges such as food adulteration, food waste reduction, and the creation of alternative food products.

Consideration of how the proposed solutions leverage technology, research, and unconventional approaches.


Criterion 4: Economic and Social Impact

Assessment of the potential economic benefits, job creation, and market expansion resulting from the proposed solutions.

Consideration of the social impact, especially in terms of promoting local farming, economic growth, and enhancing the overall food culture.


Criterion 5: Sustainability

Evaluation of the sustainability aspects of proposed solutions, particularly in optimizing off-season conservation, improving storage and transportation facilities, and introducing eco-friendly practices.

Consideration of the long-term environmental impact and resilience of the proposed innovations.


Criterion 6: Practicality in Implementation

Assessment of how easily the proposed solutions can be implemented in real-world scenarios, considering existing infrastructures and socio-economic conditions.

Consideration of the practical challenges and potential barriers to implementation.


Criterion 7: Alignment with National Goals

Evaluation of how well the proposed solutions align with national goals related to food security, economic development, and sustainability.

Consideration of the potential contributions to achieving the goal of a hunger-free Bangladesh by 2030.


Criterion 8: Collaboration and Community Involvement

Assessment of the level of collaboration and community involvement in the development and implementation of proposed solutions.

Consideration of partnerships with local communities, farmers, businesses, and government entities.


Scoring Criterion Breakdown of Score Max Mark Marks Obtained
Problem’s root cause Analysis
  • Address the problem- 5 points
  • Evidence supporting the problem- 5 points
Solution and Innovation potential
  • Solution Design- 10 points
  • Innovation/Novelty- 5 points
  • Solution Feasibility & Practicality- 10 points
  • Impact, Value for Money – 5 points
  • Team Composition & Strength- 10 points
  • Domain Specialist & Experience- 5 points
  • Technology Selection- 5 points
  • Understanding the Ecosystem- 5 points
  • Risk Identification & Mitigation Plan- 5 points
Sustainability/ Commercialization
  • Commercialization prospects – 5 points
  • Scale up and replication potential- 10 points
  • Market Analysis/Market size with Targeted customer/users/beneficiary- 10 Points
  • Certification and standardization- 5 points


Total 100


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

  1. What research facilities are available at the RIC?

RIC will acts as a gateway, providing researchers with access to various other facilities offered by the universities. The RIC offers state-of-the-art research facilities including advanced computing resources, data libraries, and collaboration spaces for interdisciplinary projects. Specialized labs for linguistic and computational research are also available.


  1. Where is the RIC located?

There will be 10 designated RIC’s in 10 different public universities, where the research projects can be taken. The list of RICs are as follows:………


1 Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology (RUET)
2 Khulna University
3 Rangamati Science & Technology University
4 Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science and Technology University
5 Jahangirnagar University (JU)
6 Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP)
7 Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University
8 Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU)
9 Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Aviation and Aerospace University (BSMRAAU)
10 Patuakhali Science & Technology University (PSTU)


  1. Is there any Funding opportunity?

Yes, the RIC will allocate funding to researchers based on the scalability and future potential of their projects, as determined by the RIC’s selection and other committees. Upon signing an agreement with the RIC, researchers will initially receive 40% of the total funding. The remaining 60% will be released following the successful progression of the research and a favorable assessment by the monitoring team.


  1. What type of research problems can be addressed through RIC?

The area of research problems are; Food, Health, Agriculture, Manufacturing, Environment, Transportation, Telecom, Education, Culture, Cyber security.


  1. Who can apply?

Anyone with a passion for research and an enthusiastic mindset is welcome to apply for the research program, provided they have backing from an institution. Note that a team of 2-4 people should be formed and the team information should be included in the proposal.


  1. I am a student, can I apply?

Yes, you are eligible to participate in the research. However, it is required that you have support from your academic institution. It is important to note that a group must consist of at least two individuals to be eligible to apply for the research.


  1. I do not have any organizational connection, can I apply?

No, it is necessary to have support from at least one organization that can provide backing and take responsibility for your involvement.


  1. What benefits do I get from such research?

The RIC offers various grants for innovative research projects. Researchers can apply for funding to support projects that show potential for significant contributions to their field.


  1. What are the prerequisites to be eligible for doing research at the RIC?

Every enthusiastic applicant must follow some specific procedure. It is important to note that a group must consist of at least two individuals to be eligible to apply for the research. Initially, your research proposal must be submitted to the RIC. Dedicated committees are in place to review these submissions. Once your proposal is chosen, you are required to present a detailed budget proposal, which also undergoes evaluation and approval by these committees. Following thorough scrutiny, if your proposal is accepted by the RIC authorities, you will enter into an agreement with the RIC.


  1. Do researchers outside of those 10 universities get a chance for research at the RIC?

Yes, any researcher is eligible to submit a proposal and, upon approval, can utilize the designated RIC facilities. However, they must first enter into an agreement with the respective RIC.


  1. Can I collaborate with industry partners through the RIC?

Absolutely. The RIC encourages collaborations with industry partners for research projects. This can provide practical insights and additional resources for your research.


  1. How does the RIC assist in protecting Intellectual Property (IP)?

The RIC has dedicated IP advisors who can guide researchers through the process of patent filing, copyright registration, and other IP protection methods. We also provide assistance in navigating IP laws and regulations.


  1. Is there a platform for showcasing research outcomes?

Yes, There will be an Experience and Exposition Zone in the “Center for 4IR” to showcase your research outcomes, which must be some devices.


  1. Does RIC offer any training or workshops?

No, RIC is only for research work.


  1. Do I get opportunities to promote my product?

Yes, RIC will be equipped with a dedicated marketing team and a designated budget to promote all research projects and products.


  1. How can I get involved with RIC’s research community?

By attending our public events and workshops. We also welcome proposals for new research initiatives.


  1. What are the possible sectors of research?

There are plenty of sectors, such as, Food, Health, Agriculture, Manufacturing, Telecom, Cyber security etc. RIC website mentioned all.


  1. What is the future of the research outcomes?

Each research outcome potentially opens the door to creating a startup, equipped with the necessary features for successful commercialization with the structured and impact-driven approach to driving forward the nation’s technological and socio-economic advancements.


  1. Does RIC provide ongoing support after the completion of my research?

RIC will provide support to showcase the physical outcomes of the research at the Center for 4IR at Bangladesh Computer Council.