Challenge Overview: Real-estate

The real estate sector in Bangladesh is experiencing significant growth, driven by rising demand from expanding middle-class families and increasing per-capita income. However, it faces challenges such as land scarcity, lack of urban planning, and shortage of skilled labor. To address these challenges and leverage the sector's potential, a call for Research & Innovation proposals in Bangladesh could focus on several key areas. These include sustainable and innovative urban planning, efficient land use, and the development of affordable housing solutions. Additionally, the call could emphasize the importance of leveraging technology and digitalization to streamline real estate processes, promoting market transparency, and enhancing access to housing finance. Furthermore, addressing legal frameworks, property rights, and infrastructure development will be crucial in ensuring the continued growth and sustainability of the real estate sector in Bangladesh.

The challenges:

How to adopt earthquake improved buildings with new construction technologies?

Right now in Bangladesh, building earthquake-resistant structures is a major concern, especially in areas prone to earthquakes. The problem is that many existing buildings aren’t strong enough to withstand an earthquake, which can lead to serious damage and even put people’s lives at risk. Another issue is that while there are new construction technologies and methods that can make buildings more resistant to earthquakes, they aren’t being used as much as they could be. This might be because people aren’t aware of these technologies, or because they think these methods are too expensive or difficult to use. The goal is to find technological solutions (product/software)  to use these new construction technologies more widely. This means figuring out how to make them more affordable and easier for builders to use. It also means teaching people about these technologies and showing them why it’s important to build stronger, safer buildings. By solving these problems, we can make sure that new buildings are better able to stand up to earthquakes. This is really important for keeping people safe and preventing major damage when an earthquake happens. It’s not just about building new structures; it’s about making sure that the places where we live and work are as safe as they can be.

How can market analysis and price valuation be effectively conducted with digital solutions (product-based)?

We have a specific challenge in the real estate industry: how can we use digital (product-based) solutions to effectively analyze the market and value properties? Right now, understanding the real estate market and figuring out the right prices for properties can be quite difficult. Real estate agents and buyers often struggle to gather and analyze all the necessary information, such as current market trends, property values in different areas, and future market predictions. This lack of comprehensive and easily accessible data can lead to inaccurate property valuations and misguided market strategies. Another issue is that traditional methods of market analysis and price valuation in real estate are often slow and can quickly become outdated. This means real estate professionals might be basing their decisions on information that doesn’t reflect the current market situation, potentially leading to overpriced or underpriced properties. Such inaccuracies can affect sales, investment returns, and overall market stability. The goal, therefore, is to find digital solutions tailored to the real estate industry – like specialized device – that can streamline the process of market analysis and property valuation. These tools should be capable of efficiently collecting and processing vast amounts of real estate data, including sales history, property features, neighborhood statistics, and market trends. They should provide real-time insights and be user-friendly, enabling real estate professionals to make well-informed, timely decisions regarding property pricing and market strategies.

How can data management and transparency be improved with digital solutions (product-based)?

We have challenges to improve how we manage data and make things more transparent using digital (product-based) solutions in the real estate industry. Right now, managing data can be confusing and not very clear. This means it’s hard to find, understand, and use the information we have. This problem affects businesses, government agencies, and other organizations. They struggle to keep track of their data, share it with others, and make sure it’s accurate and safe. Another part of the problem is transparency. People and organizations need to be open about what they’re doing and why. But without good ways to manage and share data, being transparent is tough. This can lead to mistrust and misunderstandings, especially when people can’t see or understand the information. The goal is to find digital solutions, with a form of a technological device or software, that make managing data easier and clearer. These solutions should help organize data, keep it safe, and make it easy for people to find and understand. This way, organizations can be more open about their work, and people can trust that the information they’re getting is correct and up to date. By solving these problems, we can make things run smoother and build trust through better data management and transparency. This is really important for making sure everyone has the information they need and can make good decisions based on that information.