Challenge Overview: Ready-made garments (RMG)

The ready-made garments (RMG) sector in Bangladesh presents significant opportunities for research and innovation, despite facing challenges. To capitalize on these opportunities, a call for Research & Innovation proposals could focus on several key areas. These include developing sustainable and resilient supply chains, enhancing productivity and efficiency through automation and digitalization, improving working conditions and sustainability practices, diversifying product ranges, and addressing the need for specialized fabrics and raw materials. Additionally, the call could emphasize the importance of market diversification, product development, and the transition to high-end fashion items to ensure the long-term competitiveness and sustainability of the RMG sector in Bangladesh. 

The challenges:

How to develop smart remote monitoring and warning systems in construction sites using drones?

We need to figure out how to make a smart system for watching and giving warnings at construction sites using drones. The challenge here is to create a system that uses drones to constantly check on what’s happening at these sites from a distance. This system should be able to spot any problems or dangers, like unsafe working conditions or equipment issues, and quickly warn the people in charge. Right now, keeping an eye on everything at a construction site can be hard, especially in big or complex projects. Workers might not always notice hazards right away. Using drones could help see things that people miss and make construction sites safer. The problem is figuring out the best way to use these drones effectively, including how they can send information and warnings to the people who need it. This kind of system could really help prevent accidents and make sure construction projects are done safely.

How to develop backward linkage of Cottage industry through technology?

The goal here is to help the small cottage industry by using technology to connect them better with the rest of the market. This is a big challenge. It’s about making digital platforms and tools that help the people who work in this industry – the artisans and small business owners – get what they need more easily. This includes things like materials to make their products, money to run their business, and information about what’s happening in the market. Right now, there’s a gap between these small-scale producers and the bigger supply chains. They often struggle to improve the quality of their products and to find more customers. By using technology, we can help them bridge this gap. This could mean creating an app or a website where they can find and buy materials, get loans or financial advice, and learn about new market trends. A solution is required to bridge the gap between the cottage industry and the mainstream industry.By solving this problem, we can really help these small businesses grow. It’s not just about making more money; it’s about empowering the people who work in the cottage industry and making sure this sector can keep growing in a sustainable way. This is important for the economy and for the people whose livelihoods depend on these small businesses.

How to develop Tech-Driven Solutions for Disaster Risk Reduction and Management?

In Bangladesh, a country that often faces big natural disasters like floods, cyclones, and earthquakes, it’s really important to develop technology-based solutions to reduce and manage these disasters. This means looking at how well the country can respond to disasters right now and finding out what’s missing. For example, there might be gaps in how disaster data is collected, analyzed, and shared with people who need it. One big part of this is using new technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), and big data analytics. These technologies can help in many ways. They can make it easier to predict when and where disasters might happen, which is really important for getting ready in advance. They can also improve how quickly and effectively we can respond to disasters as they’re happening. This could mean getting help to people faster or figuring out the best ways to use resources like food, water, and medical supplies. The primary objective is to create a solution that enables early detection of disasters and facilitates rapid response.

How can innovation be helped in design and product development?

In Bangladesh, coming up with new ideas and improving products is a big challenge, especially in the clothing and technology businesses. Bangladesh is really good at making textiles (like clothes and fabrics) and sends a lot of them to other countries. But, most of the time, the country sticks to the old ways of making things and doesn’t spend much money on trying new methods. The amount of money spent on research and developing new things (R&D) is really low, less than 0.1% of the country’s total money made in a year (GDP). Because there aren’t many new ideas or products, it’s hard for Bangladesh to compete with other countries that are always coming up with new and better things. This makes it tough for Bangladesh to meet what people around the world want and to make more valuable products. To change this, it’s really important for Bangladesh to invest more in R&D. This means spending more money and effort on creating new ideas and improving products. Doing this can help the country grow economically and be more competitive in the global market. It’s about not just making more things, but making better and more innovative things that people all over the world want to buy.

How can technology-based solutions be implemented to enhance supply chain transparency and traceability?

In Bangladesh, keeping track of where products come from and how they’re made is a big problem, especially in the clothing and farming industries. For example, Bangladesh is known for making a lot of clothes to send to other countries. But, as the BGMEA (Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association) reports, only a few factories really know where all their materials come from and how their clothes are made. This makes it hard to keep an eye on how workers are treated and to make sure everything is done in a fair way. The same problem exists in farming, which is a big part of life for over 70% of people in Bangladesh. Not knowing exactly where food comes from and how it’s grown can lead to worries about food safety and quality. To fix these problems in both the clothing and farming industries, we need to find ways to better track products from start to finish. This means knowing where every part of a product comes from, how it’s made, and who is making it. This kind of tracking can help make sure that the products are safe, good quality, and made in a fair way.