What technological solution (product-based) can accurately measure radiation in the telecom sector?

In Bangladesh’s telecom sector, managing and measuring radiation from the increasing number of cell towers, amid over 167 million mobile subscribers, is a pressing challenge. There’s a lack of consistent monitoring systems to check radiation levels against WHO guidelines, leading to public health concerns. It’s important to measure this radiation to make sure it’s at safe levels for both the workers in the industry and the general public. One of the main problems is that the current tools and methods for measuring radiation might not be accurate enough or easy to use. This means we might not have a clear picture of how much radiation is actually being emitted by telecom equipment. Another issue is that as the telecom sector grows and more equipment is used, the potential for higher levels of radiation increases. This makes it even more important to have reliable ways to measure it. The goal is to find a product-based technological solution that is both precise and user-friendly. This solution should be able to measure radiation levels accurately and quickly, giving telecom companies and regulatory bodies the information they need to ensure safety standards are being met. It’s also important that this technology is affordable and accessible, so it can be widely used across the sector. By solving this problem, we can help make sure that the telecom industry in Bangladesh is safe for everyone. Accurate measurement of radiation is a key part of managing the growth of the sector in a way that protects both workers and the general public. This is not just a technical issue; it’s about health and safety, too.